Man what a day.
Started out finding a bucket that had some dolphin around it and caught a nice mess of small gaffer sized dolphin
worked off shore to look around and we were almost to Berniceville and we saw some birds.
They were over some yellowfin tuna and skipjack tuna and we got right on them a couple of times and caught a nice mess of yellowfins tuna and one skippy.
Trolling back in from the deep, we encountered a sailfish and caught him. went back to the spot where we saw the sail and a had a blue marlin all over a teaser, hooked him but the hook straightened out, kinda weird .
a little while later we as we were picking up our lines to run home, we hooked a double header blue marlin, one on an 80 wide and one on a dink rod. Took the dink to the knot a couple of times, but we managed to stay hooked without breaking him off.
Caught the 80 fish and went after the dink. kinda weird seeing him jump out there with a whole spool of line off the reel!
Ended up getting them both.
Hell of a day folks!